Sometimes called Splash Pages or Capture Pages, Landing Pages can also be known as Splash Pages. The goal is to convert readers into leads. A landing page is usually composed of copy, a pitch, and a contact form. To find out more about what you offer, people fill out the form. A landing page is a page people see when they click on an advertisement link or post you’ve made online

Simply put, they read your Landing page, and either click away, or are not interested. If they are interested, they will respond and give you their contact information. In exchange for information about your product, offer, or services, they do this.

While we have created Landing Pages to promote our offers, we also have Landing Pages that we create for customers. Never forget the primary purpose of a Landing Page – to generate leads! No matter what type of business you’re in, you will need to have a steady supply. Landing pages are an effective tool to achieve this goal and can sometimes produce better results than websites. Landing pages allow you to target specific niches with a specific offer, while websites tend to be more general in scope and reach. Your marketing strategy should include both a website and Landing pages.

These are the five Critical Points that you must include on your Landing Page in order to get results.

When creating a landing page, critical point # 1 is to state your offer in short, punchy copy with lots of benefits for the reader. Tell them what you are offering in clear, concise terms. Make an offer, place value on it, and limit the offer. Use the language you choose to speak directly to the reader.

Good copy is shown in the following: “Our 32-page Report explains to you step-by-step how to attract 50,000 visitors to your website!” $29.95 Value Limited Offer!

Example of poor copy: Fill out this form, and we’ll send you a report containing information about getting traffic.

When building a Landing Page, Critical Point #2: Limit the use of graphics Graphics should be fast-loading and used only to highlight your message. Graphics should be related to the theme and point to your copy. To get a response, graphics and copy must work together.

Important Point #3 when creating a Landing Page is to include a contact form. While some people do not include a contact form on their Landing Page. A mailing list of people interested in starting an online business is essential. You are wasting your time by not collecting the contact information of your prospects.

Important Point #4 when creating a landing page: Include an offer. Do not tell on your landing pages, but SELL on them. You must sell the fact that your product or service is what the buyer needs and wants. Offers can be used to convince them of the value of the product or service. Get this when you buy it. Save $ by buying now Your offer should be compelling and something they can’t refuse.

Important Point #5 when creating a Landing Page. If your Landing Page will be longer than one screen, ensure that all of your important information and attention-grabbing copy is at the top of your page. Remember how your English teacher told you to leave the most important points until the end of your essay. This is not true when it comes to marketing copy. You should put your strongest words and pitch at top of page. Drive home your points later. But make sure that the top of your page loads first to get people to click through to your bottom page.

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